Title/Working Title: The Returned
Genre: Modern-Day Fantasy Fiction
Plot Summary: Tristan is the heir to the Alistair Corporation and family estate - one of the largest corporations in the world. He spends his time and most of his money chasing women, drinking the most expensive drinks money can buy, and partying his life away. On the outside he looks like the luckiest man alive, but on the inside he is a broken human being. He's angry, he's lonely and he hides his feelings with his power and position in society. One night after club hopping, Tristan returns home. Feeling particularly restless and unable to shake his feeling of discontentment, he pops the cap on his sleeping pills and chugs them down with a bottle of brandy. He passes through the vale and finds himself among the heavens. There he meets God, and already feeling shocked that a Heaven even exists, is told that he will return to earth to stop a horrendous evil from spreading it's influence. He will be faced with many new threats and enemies, as well as old ones too. His body will be anew, but his mind and soul are very much the same. He must battle these new found evils, while correcting his mistakes and finding his change of heart. A lost love, old temptations and an evil the world has never seen before stand to defy him. He is The Returned.
The Brainwork
So I came up with the idea when a dear family friend suddenly passed from cancer. He was young, in his prime, and it was devastating for myself and especially my family. During the services I could hear whisperings from others to his family, "The Lord simply needed him to come home. That's the only explanation for it." Then I thought to myself, what if people that were taken from this life really are needed for a higher work? Then it just kind of blossomed into one idea after the next. The final product isn't exactly what I imagined but I think the book will have some meaning, and it's my hope to give some solace to those affected by these kinds of tragedies. I think it's a beautiful resolve, and while it's completely fictitious I know the feelings bestowed to readers will be real.
Let me know what you all think :)
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