So today I've decided to revisit the poetry scene with some bits about relationships. It's not Dr. Phil or anything, but I was just thinking about relationships today and what makes them so interesting and at times difficult.
I really pondered the relationship I have right now with my wife. And I think this poem reflects some feelings we've both uncovered through our nearly four year long marriage. I hope you all enjoy it, and please feel free to leave me some comments on what you think.
I really pondered the relationship I have right now with my wife. And I think this poem reflects some feelings we've both uncovered through our nearly four year long marriage. I hope you all enjoy it, and please feel free to leave me some comments on what you think.
Loving Chemistry
Together we are a complex mixture
Separated we represent individual enmity
Combined we form a powerful elixir
Apart from each other we hold no similar property
Swirl us about and we fill one pitcher
We are unique from one another in almost every way
Nonetheless my dear I'll love you every day
I love you and I love this poem! Our very own! *Worth a thousand words to me *