(Nerd muscles FTW)
So to introduce the section I want to talk about what makes me so excited about ESports, but more specifically League Of Legends, and it's gradual rise into mainstream popularity. First, there's the competition itself. I feel like this is the foundation for any true sport. If it's not competitive than it's not fun to watch. Sorry, Chess fans nobody is going to argue the loss of a pawn, it's just not going to happen. Then there's the production value. I feel like this has come a long way, especially for League Of Legends. You watch the LCS now and it's relatively similar to how an ESPN production is conducted. Live commentary, post-game analyses, and player interviews. Granted the players don't all have the swag that other pro athletes have. So sometimes you get the awkward, I'm scared of the camera, kid being interviewed, but that's for another day and another topic altogether. Lastly, there's the following. A sport doesn't do well if it doesn't get viewers, and the world knows gamers are out there, they just need a common banner to get behind and I feel that's what the LCS and League Of Legends will do for them and ESports.
I'm going to go on a limb right now and say this, ESports will be on the likes of ESPN in the next 5 years. That's my estimation, and I'm sticking to it. You wait and see, the following is only getting bigger and you're already seeing the makings of a true professional atmosphere. Teams are starting to get salaries, events are getting bigger and prizes are growing every year. In the not so distant future you'll see the LCS become the premiere attraction in ESports, and I'm confident that if they continue on the path they're on they will get the necessary attention from major networks (if that's what they want of course).
So am I crazy for thinking this? Is it really that far fetched to think that this could become reality similar to Poker making it? I don't think so, but feel free to drop your 2 cents.
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